
Chapter I : Epitaxy and theoretical concepts 

I.1 Crystal in and out of equilibrium

I.2 Nucleation and coarsening

I.3 Growth on a stepped surface

I.4 Growth modes


Chapter II. Epitaxy and experimental description

II.1 Instrumental epitaxy

II.2 In-situ monitoring

II.3 Self-organization and surface structuration

II.4 Epitaxial growth of quantum nanostructures

II.5 Epitaxial growth of 2D materials

II.6 Comparison of different epitaxy : oxides, semiconductors and integration


Chapter III. Properties of epitaxial objects and characterization

III.1 Electronic and optical properties : computation

III.2 Electronic and optical properties : characterization

III.3 Structural and chemical characterization of epilayers in heteroepitaxy

III.4 Novel properties


Chapter IV. Technological applications

IV.1 Electronic applications

IV.2 Optical applications

IV.3 Application of oxides

Round table

Academic/industrial interaction

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